Marger_ Everyone's been on good behaviour

 Marger_ Everyone's been on good behaviour

It’s not that long ago, when there were discussions about Grime music being dead and not being able to bring anything new. I hope that everyone who shouted out such nonsense intentionally slapped themselves. New wave of Grime music is here and looks like it is more than hungry. One of the strongest players of the modern Grime game is Marger. In one year, he managed to put out a mixtape called Flow Food and two EP’s, Kushwave and Sneaky, and he recently destroyed Prague with his signature shout “It’z it’z Marger”. If you want to know how he feels about todays Grime, who does he beef with, or if he has ever been stabbed or shot, read this interview.

1. Lets start with a classic question, when and how did you get to Grime music? When did you start making your own tunes?

I was a fan of Grime before I became an mc, from when I first heard it, I loved the sound. I would mess about with friends spitting over my favourite instrumentals and it wasn't until around 2005 that I started making my own stuff but even back then I wasn't taking it seriously, I think it's only the last year that I've been making it my full time career.

2. You are a part of the so called new wave of Grime, where you seem very individual between all the MCs. You can be seen doing a lot of solo work, not jumping into any pointless associations. Are you member of any crew? What about Alien Muzik, does that still exist?

Yeah, I am still a part of Alien Muzik, although it isn't a crew so to speak it's more of a musical movement, I like to do my own thing and I want to build my name myself, I'm not an mc that just wants big features to boost my own name, that's why I just like doing my thing. 

3. When you perform, do you prefer the typical Grime raves, where you get wheeled after shouting out three words, or are you more into performing the whole tracks at concerts?

I like both to be honest, you can't beat the energy at a proper Grime rave but at the same time I like to be creative with my PA performances and love working with a live band and just being experimental with my music. 

4. How is it with the police cancelling the Grime raves? Does that happen often?

It hasn't been happening for a while but I think it's because people have learnt that bringing hype to the events will only kill it. So everyone's been on good behaviour.

5. For us looking from the outside, it’s sometimes hard to understand all the beef in grime music. It’s obvious that it’s about music most of the times. How is it with crossing these boundaries, when the music is pushed aside? Is there still a lot of violence in London? Was it worse back in the day? 

There's a lot of violence in London but there's violence all over the world. Majority of the time, you're right, it is just beef within music but of course sometimes it goes deeper than that. You have to learn to address situations accordingly. 

6. Have you ever been stabbed, or even shot?

I've been stabbed twice yeah. 

7. Ok, back to the music, but i will stay at the beef. What’s your situation with Rival? Is the flame still burning?

I've addressed the situation with Rival outside of the music, we won't be working together but the whole thing is anything now. 

8. There was a big hype about your beef with Teddy, when you spoke about him snitching in a couple tracks. Have there been any reactions from his side, or is it just silence from Silencer?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, a friend of his decided to speak out on GrimeForum trying to tell their side of events but facts don't lie at the end of the day but it is silence from Silencer, apart from some indirects on twitter about getting me blocked but I'm doing alright so yeah. 

9. You’re going to participate in Lord Of The Mics 3, where you’ll be clashing Lay-Z. I Know you two don’t have any history, but I’d still like to know if you’re gonna write bars specifically for him, or just use your regular ones?

I'm a Grime artist of course I am gonna write bars just for him, I've taken the calm approach with this clash and want to save all the hype for the actual event. 

10. Ok, enough said about the rivals, name 3 MCs from the „new wave,“ that you rate the most.

Kwam, Scrufizzer and Dream Mclean 

11. And now 3 legends, that mean the most to you. Who influenced you?

Ghetts, Dizzee and Big H

12. You have recently released the free downloadable Sneaky EP, now you’re preparing another EP called Cheeky. When is that coming out and what will we find on it?

No release date as of yet but I will be dropping some singles off it to give the supporters a taste of cheeky, as for what to expect from it, it's going to be a quality release with some sick features, amazing productions from Sibling and crazy stories but above all it'll kushwave music. 

13. Any plans for releasing an album? If so, when would you like to release it?

I've already started work on the album, I don't want to rush it and it needs to be my best work to date and really demonstrate my abilities as an artist, ideally I'll be aiming for the end of next year if all goes to plan. 

14. You do more and more work with Sibling. Tell us something about him, is he more of a singer or a producer? How have you met him?

Sibs is definitely a producer but he's a sick songwriter too. When he laid down some of the vocals for tunes we've done it was more experimental but I liked the way it sounded so we went with it.  I met him through Donatella as he's her younger brother. 

15. Sibling also produced your new hit Shadows. Track with such a hit potential could easily be in the regular MTV playlist. Do you get any offers from major labels?

A few majors have been in touch with my management but obviously just really early stages but a major label is not what I want right now as I don't think they'd share my vision so we'll just have to see how things go. 

16. You have already been to Czech Republic and you work with Czech artists. Besides the collaboration with me, you recently made a tune with Freezer. How does it feel to see Grime grow so much? Have you noticed any other countries with such grime fan base as the Czech Rep.? 

It's so good to see Grime growing like it is. I'd definitely say, Czech is one of the best countries I've ever been to because of their passion for grime.

17. Ok, now one last question. Its obvious that mr. Kushwave has to like kush a lot. How much can you smoke a day. What’s your maximum?

It used to be a £20 bag a day but I smoke like half that now, maximum I could handle in day? With kush it's not about how much, it's more about just enjoying the wave. 

18. Thanks a lot for the interview. If you want to shout out anyone, or leave a message for the Czech people, here’s your space:

Firstly big up Smack and all my Czech supporters, i've got nufff love for you. Big up Freezer, Blackbox coming soon. Of course shout out all my other supporters too, follow me on twitter if you're not already @itzmarger or keep up to date with my music on soundcload/itzmarger and big up my team #Kushwave


Blackz objasňuje Jendorovu skladbu R.I.P Dot rotten

Pokud chce jít někdo hlouběji a proniknout více do zprávy, kterou Jendor nedávno poslat Dot Rottenovi, doporučuji tohle video, ke kterému snad netřeba jakékoli další info.



Jendor pohřbívá Dot Rottena

Jendor už několikrát naznačil, že se mu nelíbí Dot Rottenův obrat zády k OGz. Konečně mu tedy posílá emocionální track RIP Dot Rotten, kdy Dotovi vyčítá absenci jakýhokoliv smutku nad smrtí New Ery. Šlape po něm v kanadách a prohlašuje, že Dot není nic jiného než had. Nekompromisně tak vytváří hodně osobní beef, který bude radost sledovat!

JAK TO VYPADA: Dot se na twitteru tvari, ze je dost mozny, ze neodpoví.
*Když si video otevřete přímo na youtube a kliknete na šipky pod videem, uvidíte kompletní text skladby.



DRYMANSOUND - připravované LP 2010

Projekt Drymansound tvoří Mělnicko Pražská dvojice Dryman a Davis aktivní cca od roku 2006.
Jejich věci vyšly na labelech jako Owntempo, Late Harvest, Vodkaredbull, Cinematic nebo Alcohola. Jejich skladby běží na takových stanicích jako Rinse FM, R1, Wave, Spin, FM nebo Dnbradio.
Pro připravovanou desku je charakteriské tempo 140 bpm, skladby zaujímají různé polohy. Na své si přijdou fanoušci Dubstepu, experimentálnějších poloh urban music ale i halftempa nebo deep music. Nemusíš se bát, že by to celý nemělo potřebný groove a zvuk!
Tahle barvitá deska bude obsahovat 20 skladeb, 10 spoluprací a 10 remixů.
Můžete se těšit na zajímavé hosty:

Facebook : ZDE
Mail : drymansound@email.cz


Kano - Method To The Maadness

Kano vydal svoji 4. řadovou desku a jak jeho poslední počiny naznačovaly, tak jako Wiley nebo Dizzee se poměrně zásadně odklonil od grimu, který hrál ještě v případě posledního alba 140 grime street hlavní roli. Tím ale Method To The Maadness nepohřbívám. Naopak, barvitá výstava beatů desce svědčí. Kano mezi různými žánry bruslí jak Sablíková a jak podtrhuje například tato recenze, vyplatilo se mu to. Method To The Maadness díky tomu vnímám jako grandiózní návrat jednoho z nejlepších MCs.




Don Strapzy Ft Ghetts - Lyrical Murder

Další znamenitá spolupráce je na světě. Před nedávnem Ghetts spojil síly s Bloodline a dnes se obrátil na právem vycházející UK hvězdu Dona Strapzyho, kterýmu je pomalejší tempo přeci jen o něco bližší nežli Ghettsovi. Lyrická Vražda ti je naservírováná přímo s klipem.




9 milli major, Big H, Ghetts - Life We´re Living

Vybz Kartel, 9 Milli Major, Big H a Ghetts na jedný skladbě je samozřejmě šílenost. Ať už proto, že poslední dva MCs se potkali poprvý, nebo prostě proto, že na cokoli, co Big H či Ghetts vypustí, se každej fanoušek grimu těší jak na první sex. O produkci se postaral Lewi White...